ID: | 1128 [see the .xml file] |
Identifier: | NLW 5500C, no. 92 |
Editors: | Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) |
Cite: | 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 23 March 1791' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions [] |
Dear Sir
Downing March. 23d - 91
You have exceeded your habitual munificence & furnished me with most valuable illustrations of my M.S.S. I fear you will find you have robbed yrself of many dutch Heroes whom you will find fighting in the journal between London & Dover.1 If you are at a loss I will resign any you want. Else I shall return none.
You over rate the value of my brains greatly: for they are the only consumption I am at the expence of.
The journal must be re-copied. my old sot has brought home the rest, so dirty so creas’d; & with marginal notes on each side, that I was almost ready to bath him in the horsepond: But Tom Jones my young secretary will I am sure give you full content & that soon. He improves daily & writes most delightfully.
I have just had ½ a Ream of Green paper arrived so we can settle that article readily.
A very odd M. S. was sent me last week respecting the markets of London 1598. with many curious ^but bad drawings. My daughter shall bring up two for you by May the 20th. Those done, nothing shall retard moses from working for you & me solely
All the prints attendant on my Suppl: to London are ch. 1sts bust. fire of London & old plan of London.
suffer me to place the new Edition in yr library.
When we settle accts. I shall not forget the pencils which seem excellent.2
The Edinburgh barber offers me a complete se[...]t of
his works, for which I am to give him a London.3 the set is to be illustrated with notes. Shall I try to get one for you?
I have a private print for yr acceptance. That of my ever respected friend Benj. Stillingfleet. Two were just sent to me by his nephew, Captn Locker of the Navy. my daughter shall bring you that also & some odds & ends besides.
I thank you & Sir W. Musgrave for the anecdotes of the Good Bishop. I have picked up much concerning that prelate But cannot get his epitaph?
can Mrs Pennant & I tempt miss Bulls4
& yourself to visit wales. the journey will be cer[...]tainly
salutary: perhaps pleasant. How many things will you see chez moi5 that you can
see no where else
yrs most truely
You should get for yourself Hollars battle in the Down 1636 between Vantromp & oquendo.
From whence came the terrible negro prints.6
I set out on the 15th [...]on a series of visits for 3 weeks.
Tom Jones in that time will finish Dover. Do you want
Dr Nash's prints of worcestershire heads.
for his house will be one visit.
Doctor Lort's sale will produce a dutch Ed. of Monfaucon. a bad impression but it will do for me. I must get some Bookseller to bid: else I dare say it will go extravagantly.