ID: | 1051 [see the .xml file] |
Identifier: | NLW 5500C, no. 52 |
Editors: | Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) |
Cite: | 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 13 February [1786]' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions [] |
Dear Sir
I was in hopes of hearing that you was confirmed in yr town residence
before this especially as I am now fixed on a short visit to the capital next month.
your company will be no small comfort during my stay. Moses begs
yr acceptance of the inclosed for p. 56X
of the welsh Tour. He is much vexed about the dirt on some of the pages; but hopes not to forfeit yr
favor. I must inform you of a very disagreable disappointment he has experienced from a welsh squire of very considerable fortune1
who bespoke [...] a first volume of the welsh tour on large paper
illuminated on the margins as your is with numbers of other drawings & prints.
This is a heavy loss to him. you will lay me under an obligation if you would recommend it to a purchaser. The poor man is much
hurt by the dirty treatment he met with, as he had entered into a small business on the strength of the expectation. I annex in
the P. S. the number of drawings, which will be charged as yours were.
I am
Dear Sir
with truest regard
Yrs most faithfully
X virgula divinatoria.3
147 coats of arms
103 views &c on the margin & some large drawings the size of the leaf.
leave for Dunstable priory. [...] amateur'sii