ID: 1044 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 46
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 27 May 1785' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

I truely congratulate you on the recovery of Miss Bull & flatter myself myself that this event will enable you to pass next winter in town a circumstance I think myself much interested in. Your Copy of the journey to London & my own keep equal pace. nothing has been done to either these four months by reason of my desire of having [...] a copy of my new edition of vol. 1. Welsh tour illuminated for my own use. that is now finished & next week Moses begins again on on [sic] our work & I assure you that his labors shall be devoted to us only. He shall paint for you duplicates of what He does for the Arctic Zool: I beg yr acceptance of some etchings of Birds he formerly did & which are adapted to that work.1 I think they had best be colored & that I can get done by a neighboring artist2 a corps de reserve to Moses; for I cannot make Moses sink into a print colorist. do you chuse they should be done? The Earl of Cumberland shall not be forgotten. As to payment for the nova scotia views, it may be left till your debt is swelled to a larger Sum.

I return to you your good wishes tenfold. I have great reason to thank Heaven for the liberality of its favors. not among the lest is the continued good conduct of my Son. In August he sets out for the seat of a Gentleman near Yverdon;3 there to learn french during the Winter. [...]early in the summer he shall make the Tour of Swisserland,4 & after passing down, or along the banks of the Rhine, join my fireside by winter. He will rejoice to obey any Commands you may have. Have you any correspondt in Paris who could answer this question. Is Olaffen’s & Peterson’s voy. In Iceland translated into french.5 if so the additional favor of procuring it may be asked.

I am Der Sir
most affectly yrs

Th. Pennant.

Pray inclose future letters to Sir Roger Mostyn. M. P. at Mostyn Flintshire.


Top of page in Richard Bull’s hand:

Holbein send him

Editorial notes

1. Pennant may be referring here to Arctic zoology, vol. II, which discusses birds, and was published in 1785.
2. This may refer to John Ingleby, to whom Pennant recommended Bull in 1780 (1006, 1007, 1008, 1009), and who is later referred to by Bull as a clear second choice to Moses Griffith (1248). It is surprising that he is not named, however, and worth noting that the work of a 'print colorist' would not be a very enticing prospect for a man of Ingleby's talent, any more than Moses Griffith's.
3. Correspondence from Thomas Falconer was periodically addressed to David Pennant at Yverdon in Switzerland between 1785 and 1788. WCRO CR 2017/TP460/1–31.
4. David Pennant sent observations on Swiss and Italian travel by letter (undated) to William Coxe. See Travels in Switzerland and in the Country of the Grisons: In a Series of Letters to William Melmoth, Esq. from William Coxe (3 vols., 2nd edn., London: T. Cadell, 1791), III, pp. 310–29.
5. Magnus Petersen, curate at Skagestrand, is mentioned within the context of Icelandic studies in this period, but does not appear to have co-authored Olafsen's work.

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