ID: 1020 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 22
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 21 June 1782' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

We shall rejoice if you accept of Sir P. Burel's offer offer [sic] as it will give us a chance of seeing you & yours at this place. Gwedir1 is a in a most pleasant country with good roads about, has a market near & is I believe well enough furnished for so transient a [...]time as you propose to use it.

Moses has done all the arms in the Snowdon part of my wales, & seven or eight larger views in Chester He will do the arms of in of the first volume in the manner you direct. Pray inform me would you have the Snowdon part sent to you when it is done: but I am fearful that it will not be executed under a month to come.

The influenza has seized my family. Mrs Pennant is recovered, but several of our servants are ill. If they recover in time we leave home for a fortnight on the 29th. we are to visit a friend near worcester: from where I shall Elope or hone at Berkley Castle2 to complete an iter sabrinum.3 an attempt long since begun & in great part finished. The seeing the light is another affair. If you do not visit Wales, pray write to inform me where you fix.

With best wishes for every individual of yr house I am
Dear Sir
Most truely yrs

T Pennant

Downing June 21 1782.

Stamp: (handstamp) NORTHOP
Stamp: (frank) FREE4 p. R Mostyn5
Stamp: (postmark) 24 IV

Rich'd Bull Esqr | Stratton Street | Piccadilly | London6

Rich'd Bull Esqr | Stratton Street | Piccadilly | London6

Stamp: (handstamp) NORTHOP
Stamp: (frank) FREE4 p. R Mostyn5
Stamp: (postmark) 24 IV

Editorial notes

1. Peter Burrell's title from 1796 links him with Gwydir.
2. Berkeley Castle in Gloucestershire was at this time owned by Frederick Augustus Berkeley, fifth Earl of Berkeley (1745–1810).
3. In Literary life, p. 28, Pennant writes of a journey by boat down the Severn from Atcham-bridge, south of Shrewsbury, as far as the home of Treadway Russell Nash in Bevere, Worcestershire, again using 'elopement' as a term to describe it, but dating it to June 1783. For an earlier reference to the 'iter sabrinum', see Treadway Russell Nash's letter of 25 July 1777 to Pennant, 1305.
4. Stamped in ink.
5. Handwritten.
6. The address is not in Thomas Pennant's hand.

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