ID: 1383 [see the .xml file]
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Cite: 'John Lloyd, Caerwys, to Thomas Pennant 31 December 1777' in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dr rSir

If you look into Powel page 210 You will find That Kyric & Eineon Evell were Twin Bastards to Madoc ap Meredydd ap Bleddyn, Prince of the lower powys, from him denominated Powys Fadoc; Evell signifies a Twin, Kynric had for his portion Eglwyseg, of which he is always Styled Lord. – Mr Salusbury in his account of the Eyton Family, styles him likewise Lord of Treuddyn & Molds dale, These Territories I have found elswhere [sic] ascribed to him & I suppose with some truth, as the Davies’s of Gwysaney the Eytons of Leeswood Wynnes of Tower &c in this neighbourhood are lineally descended from him. – The Historical account of the Battle at Tower1 you have in English, it is likewise prefixd in welsh to one of these poems, but not extracted from them, as they contain nothing but a meer [sic] Rhapsody of Encomiums upon the Chieftain &c If I can pick any thing to your purpose out of them I will send it by saturday, I will wait of you assoon [sic] as I think myself able to venture out. This frosty weather agrees but indifferently with me I am, with my best Respects to Mrs & Miss Pennant & wishing you all a Happy new year

Your most obliged
Humble Sert &c

John Lloyd

Decembr. 31: 1777

Thomas Pennant Esqr

Thomas Pennant Esqr


in Thomas Pennant's hand:

Kelyn bush
Avon wen



Editorial notes

1. Pennant includes an account of the battle at Tower between its inhabitant, Reinallt ap Gryffydd ap Bleddyn, and the followers of the linen-draper and Chester mayor, Robert Bryne, in A tour in Wales 1770 [1773] (1778), I, pp. 399–400, and also mentions that Reinallt's 'actions were celebrated at the time, in poems still extant; particularly by Lewis Glyn Cothi, in an Awdl'.