ID: 1145 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 100
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 31 December 1791' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

many many happy returns of the season attend you & yours. As for weus old men, quiet, innocent amusements & increasing benevolences should be the sum of our prayers. I love to ease my friends: I will ease you by saying that I found two capitals impressions of the prints You want to complete the set of yrarctic zoology: they are indeed on small paper but of a paper so well adapted for coloring that they must please you. Moses will give them borders: you may then paste or let in as you chuse.

my Philosophy was put to the tryal last night. my son had ordered by a Rotterdam ship his collection of books & prints made in part of Germany & Holland. I had also 3 arms of Hock of the vintage of 1726 exactly my own age. a clerk from leverpool late at night was introduced to me to beg my assistance to save the goods of a Rotterdamer wreckd under my house. I bore this with calmness: & [...] this morning had my reward; for a post letter letter tells me, my treasures were safe in dock at Leverpool. I am sorry for the other’s loss of Gin, hides & bull rushes which, magisterially, I shall endeavour to save. We have now only one ship at sea. from Venice; with the other part of the German collection & a small part of the italian. all the rest of the italian, a very great one is safe chez nous. My young ^man wishes to conclude with the northern courts: He will kiss the hands of the gentle Catherine of Russia next summer. & then I hope he will do as his father did before him.

In return for yr shipping accept a copy of a curious natural history ^of quadrupeds, with wooden plates just publishd at Newcastle on Tyne. I will say nothing of the text for that is pirated from me & others. If opportunity offers offers I will send it soon. if not will bring it with or about March 1st. & with it your remainder of arctic zoology Ed. 2d. which I had for you long since on large paper. White with all his sharpnesses is far preferable to the puzzel-pated Faulder. The coach I fear has a poor opinion of its customers to & from wales: for they always make us pay in advance.

White is going to publish a most magnificent Edition of my hist: of quadrupeds with a set of entire new plates.

I have made a very fine voyage down the Ganges from its fountain in the Kingdom of Thibet: I do think full as credible as Mr Bruces from the Fountains of the nile. mine I really believe may be depended for my authorities:1 you shall see the rich volume volume: but Do not burst with envy at the old fellow who has composed XIII. folios in five years. 2

Yrs most truely

T Pennant.

If patience on a monument is not too large for a frank pray favor me with it.

Editorial notes

1. This comment may refer to the controversy over the assistance given Bruce by a secretary and draughtsman from Bologna, named Luigi Balugani. Balugani accompanied Bruce on the expedition, but the latter claimed that he had died before the journey was begun and made no acknowledgement of his contribution. ODNB s.n. James Bruce.
2. The number and order of the volumes in 'Outlines of the Globe' were subject to change during the final years of Pennant's life, as comparison between the accounts of the work given in Literary life, pp. 41–5, and in HPWaH, pp. 318–22, demonstrates. The latter claims to describe the volumes 'according to their permanent state'. HPWaH, p. 318.

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