ID: 1136 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 96
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 9 June 1791' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

I hope this will find you & yours safely landed & in full enjoyment of yr delicious isle. As to myself the excessive heat of the weather has so enervated me that I am far from well.

You will be pleased to add to the Bill 2. 11. 6. for my Secretary's work. It will be sufficient: especially as I give him his time. He has merit so deserves favor: sober, attentive, modest. As to Birds you may have as many as you please; done on thin paper so you may paste them on yr margins. If you have any persons in yr isle who know a hawk from a Heronshaw, or in the vulgar from a hand-saw.1 you may send me a list particularly of the Cliff birds & they may decorate the margins of Vectis. My friend near Worcester has Lusty Packington drawn: but at the imposing price of 2.2.0. I must take it: Moses will copy it as well for much less: but will you grudge to share the imposition. It is arrived here yet [sic]. I expect yr parcel on Saturday. I will take care to answer my Sister.

As to Moses his time shall be divided this year between you & me: I must allow now & then a friendly interloper but that will be seldom. I see before new four folio M.S.S. bound in vellum & finely decorated on the outsides by moses: & three others in half binding & and a northern english Tour2 also in vellum so you will think I have not passed three years in Idleness for that is the space they took up.

When you are at a loss for a franker Pray inclose to Sir Roger Mostyn Bart at Mostyn Flintshire: & use yr seal of arms that I may distinguish yr letters.

my Bankers are Gosling &co Fleetstreet: Do not forget to charge the pencils &c &c.

Dear Sir
Yrs most truely

T. Pennant.

Downing June 9th 1791.

I hope you will soon send me word that our Fleet is sent into quiet quarters. Pray what authentic news from France?

Editorial notes

1. Cf. William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act II, scene ii, line 352.
2. This probably refers to 'A Journey taken in 1773, through some of the internal parts of Cheshire, Lancashire, Yorkshire, Westmoreland, and Cumberland, as far as Alston Moor', as described in Pennant's summary of the volumes of his 'Outlines of the Globe' in HPWaH, at p. 322. This is numbered as the final volume, no. XXII, in the 'Outlines'. For an extra-illustrated manuscript version of 'From Alston Moor to Harrowgate', the opening of which reads 'I now resume the tour which I had left unfinished at Alston Moor p. 234 of vol. XXII of the Outlines of the Globe', see NLW 12708E.

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