ID: | 1136 [see the .xml file] |
Identifier: | NLW 5500C, no. 96 |
Editors: | Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) |
Cite: | 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 9 June 1791' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions [] |
Dear Sir
I hope this will find you & yours safely landed & in full enjoyment of yr delicious isle. As to myself the excessive heat of the weather has so enervated me that I am far from well.
You will be pleased to add to the Bill 2. 11. 6. for my Secretary's work. It will be sufficient: especially as I give him his time. He has merit so deserves favor: sober, attentive, modest. As to Birds you may have as many as you please; done on thin paper so you may paste them on yr margins. If you have any persons in yr isle who know a hawk from a Heronshaw, or in the vulgar from a hand-saw.1 you may send me a list particularly of the Cliff birds & they may decorate the margins of Vectis. My friend near Worcester has Lusty Packington drawn: but at the imposing price of 2.2.0. I must take it: Moses will copy it as well for much less: but will you grudge to share the imposition. It is arrived here yet [sic]. I expect yr parcel on Saturday. I will take care to answer my Sister.
As to Moses his time shall be divided this year between you & me: I must allow now
& then a friendly interloper but that will be seldom. I see before new four folio M.S.S. bound in vellum &
finely decorated on the outsides by moses: & three others in half binding &
and a northern english Tour2
also in vellum so you will think I have not passed three years in Idleness for that is the space they took up.
When you are at a loss for a franker Pray inclose to Sir Roger Mostyn Bart at Mostyn Flintshire: & use yr seal of arms that I may distinguish yr letters.
my Bankers are Gosling &co Fleetstreet: Do not forget to charge the pencils &c &c.
Dear Sir
Yrs most truely
Downing June 9th 1791.
I hope you will soon send me word that our Fleet is sent into quiet quarters. Pray what authentic news from France?