ID: | 1131 [see the .xml file] |
Identifier: | NLW 5500C, no. 94 |
Editors: | Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) |
Cite: | 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 16 April 1791' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions [] |
Dear Sir
Downing April 16th 1791
Inclosed are instantly fulfilled the last of yr wishes.1
The rest shall be completed as soon as possible. I have packed up the print of Mr. Stillingfleet,
a few of the Yr prints which I return, & 53 heads
my son brought me from Paris in 1789. Please to
keep what you like and return the others. Inclosed is a slate of our account: not sent by way of dun2
but that we may know how we stand. it must swell much more before it will be worth receiving. I think the first article is right: if you doubt, pray strike it out.
I must now without ceremony express my wants. a Duke of Wharton. small heads of favorite E. of Essex: & Sir W. Raleigh. a small martin van Tromp.
[...] As you run into every odd shop: I shall be vastly happy if you cd
fall on vol [...] of Churchills collection of voyages,
or vol. [...] odd volumes.Pennant leaves an empty gap for volume numbers in this sentence. The [...]one
is much wanted for Guinea:3 the other for India.
These I mention not as a beggar: but to be put to account: you know my little deserts, so leave it to you to stop yr
bounty when you please.
I shall send the parcel possibly by the Salop coach on monday night for I pass through that proud town that day: I forgot to say that I put up the two curious drawing [sic] of the old London markets.
In [...] d[...]
this days paper I see a new system of Natural history publishing by Cadel vol 1st.
Pray get from Faulder for me. if neatly done the prints will be of use to both of us: but I will give
[...] opinion of it when it arrives.
If you get any of my desiderata, pray put them between my boards which you will receive by the coach & send them before May 5th to Mrs Pennant No 41 Upper Grosv street.
I lament that I cannot see yr fair daughters4 & yourself this summer: especially as possibly Mr Storer wd have made one of the party. I am equally grieved that of all things an aberration from the common roads of Great Britain, is the most impossible to Madam Pennant & self
As to the news respecting his royal Highness he is past the age of corrigibility. he a Henry Vth.!!! see my London new Edition p. 40. 415
As to my Lord de Cholmondely: we nice rustics will allow him every fine quality of the Jack-ass & nothing more.
and as to mi Lord de Cardigan: The usual pains & penaltyies of unequal matches will probably add ornaments to his coronet.
I am almost sorry that the Idea of the war lessens. I wish that dreadful woman of the north
so cripple[...]d, that she may never stir again, even on [...]
crutches. – stained with a husbands blood!!!
Reeking with a three days slaughter of thirty thousand ^gallant Turks at Ismael6 fighting pro aris et focis7 against an unjust invasion!!!
surrounding Europe with usurped dominions!!!8
acquir[...]ing a territory replete with forests of oaks, the magazine of resistless
[...] navies, Which, with her infernal ambition, will make all
Europe bend beneath her yoke!!!9
England in pity to the world, in pity to itself, must break her power. ^may the armed neutrality ever remain alta mente repostum: 10 & may the cry of the house echo from every part, DELENDA sit CATHERINA!!! 11