ID: 1041 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 43
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 25 July 1784' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

Both your favors came safe with the Bank bill for Moses. who is in perfect charity with you. His concern arose entirely from the pain he felt at the thoughts of having displeased you. I am sorry to say that I can give you no immediate hopes about the journey to London. Three volumes of the new copy of the old one.1 about half a dozen drawings only have been done in the Journey to London even in my copy: but depend on it that yours & mine shall go hand in hand & be finished with all speed as soon as they are begun. Believe me that for at lest three months of the last six, Moses has been wholly employd for the gratification of others Principally the friend to whom I address, to which he is [...] the sd friend is most heartily welcome.

The Earl of Cumberland is copied frm White's prints. that known I suppose you withdraw yr desire relative to it.

The old woman in the welsh tour was taken frm the life ^vid Snowdon. Vol: II. P 273.2 in a church in anglesea. She is very ^well represents a good warm woman of the middling class of that island

I truely lament the cause which brings you to the sea side. as a parent I must know yr feelin[...]gs: it is [...] not long since I was relieved frm [...] very severe ones about my little boy. Pray present my best complmts to Miss Bulls3 & hearty good wishes for the speedy recovery of the Invalid.4

I am Dear Sir
Yrs most truely & affectly

Tho. Pennant

On Wednesday we all go to Buxton for ten days to see my poor sister who has been sent there after a seven[...] month painful suffering.

Editorial notes

1. Neither Pennant nor Bull's extra-illustrated copies of The journey from Chester to London (1782) have been identified. For copies belonging to Anthony Morris Storer and Richard Muilman Trent Chiswell respectively, see Eton College Library, Cg.2.3.01–Cg.2.3.02, and the Yale Centre for British Art, New Haven, DA620 P41 1782+ Oversize (here [external link]).
2. Pennant's extra-illustrated A tour in Wales [external link], p. 273/1, includes a black and white portrait of an old woman, labeled in pencil as the work of Francis Grose ('Fr. Grose del').
3. Elizabeth and Catherine Bull.
4. This was most probably Catherine Bull, whose ill-health led to her death in 1795.

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