ID: 1039 [see the .xml file]
Identifier: NLW 5500C, no. 41
Editors: Transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019)
Cite: 'Thomas Pennant to Richard Bull 14 May 1784' transcribed by Ffion Mair Jones; edited by Ffion Mair Jones; encoded by Vivien Williams. (2019) in Curious Travellers Digital Editions []

Dear Sir

I cannot but regret the loss of you in Town next winter. your absence is an aggravation of other similar misfortunes: some by the irreparable one of death but I trust you & yours will be safely restored to me. Be so good as to point out your route for lyou can never be out of the way for my little views. I am sorry you had so much trouble about Mr Cordiners views.1 as they cannot be disposed of, Be so good as to cause them to be left at Mr MazelsNo 41. Drury Lane. Moses is laboring hard for you. Please to name the very last day [...] you can permit him to keep the book.2 it shall be sent on yr order. [...] You shall have a list of what is undone; that you may leave guards in yr books & insert whatsoever you please, hereafter. In your absence he shall work for you with the same zeal as if you was in England. You, Mr Panton of Lincolns Inn & your humble servt shall di[?vide] him between us.

Considering the madness of the times, I wonder not that you leave this once too happy country.3 I fear the event of thise new parlement’s assembling.4 Opposition is desperate, & I fear passion will get the better of the love of Country: & that we shall have endless confusion. I like not the zeal of the scots for the old ministry.5They snuff the musky air & seem ready to join the birds of prey.

My best wishes & complimts attend Miss Bulls:6 may their voyage be happy & prosperous!

Yrs most truely

T Pennant

Be so good as to name & return the inclosed prints.7 Pray have you any useless prints of N. americans, Greenlandrs, eskimoan or Samoieds? excuse this & the other inclosed.

Editorial notes

1. See 1038.
2. This is probably Bull's copy of A tour in Wales 1770 [1773] (1778), discussed in 1038.
3. Bull and his daughters (see end of letter) were clearly planning a voyage abroad at this time.
4. On 18 May 1784. See 1038.
5. The Fox-North coalition.
6. Elizabeth and Catherine Bull.
7. No enclosures survive with the manuscript letter.

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